Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thomas Jefferson

Did Jefferson have a child with one of his slaves?

(58% of the 2302.8006 class thought yes.)


alltech.magoo said...

I am not to sure if Jefferson had a child with on of his slaves.

sonya26 said...

From what I remember when I read a paper about the child of Jefferson named Eston, he was conceived by a slave and through the tracing of his grandchildren's lineage, it was proved that he indeed shared the bloodline of Thomas Jefferson his accused father. ALthough many people do not know but it was very common for slaveowners to grow attached to their slaves and have relationships of course it was not permitted by society but they were very well induced. Of course this controversy is often brought up, I believe that it is old and that the descendents of Jefferson should allow it to die as well as decendents of the slave.