Monday, April 21, 2008

Theory of Evolution

Is there scientific evidence that apes and human beings share a common ancestor and that all living things evolved from a one-celled organism by means of random mutations and natural selection?

See here for the Inner Life of a Cell


GTT said...

Elephants apparently are not descended from mammoths.

“Fossil evidence had suggested that woolly mammoths and the living species of elephants descended from a common ancestor that lived in Africa about 6 million years ago...says Michael Hofreiter, a paleontologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.” (Perkins, S.. Science News, 12/24/2005, Vol. 168 Issue 26/27, p403-403)

“The mammoth, the African elephant, and the Asian elephant each evolved separately between three million and five million years ago. So while we can call mammoths and elephants close “cousins,” we cannot say that elephants descended from mammoths.” (Larry D. Agenbroad, Lisa W. Nelson, Mammoths: Ice-Age Giants, 2002)

If these statements are true, then the elephants we see today have been around for millions of years and are not the result of wooly mammoths turning into lesser-haired elephants as a result of the ending of the ice age.

So, if elephants are not descendants of mammoths, then the fact that elephants now exist but wooly mammoths do not does not provide evidence that evolution has taken place.

Unless I am missing something.

sk8str81 said... know this was a theory, which means this came from someones mind....i don't care if this blog post counts or not, if you believe in one cell evolution you pretty delusional...NO no evidence what so ever and any scientist and expert will tell you that their is none...if their honest..!!!

alltech.magoo said...

No. I would like to think that we are not related to apes. If we are then so be it, If there is substantial evidence that we are related or share a similar ancestor then I would be open to what people have to say.