Monday, April 14, 2008

Death Penalty

Should the people of Louisiana be able to execute convicted child rapists, if they want to?

(72% of the 2302.8006 class thought yes.)


OJEBISI said...

Sure, this should have been happen before, if this is a true solution to the problem, why not adopt it? Recently, when texas adopt castel law, crime rate is redused when they know that when they do it they will be kill by the owner.

Also, in some country like Saudi Arabia, they know that if they still or rape, one of thier harm or leg may be cut off, or even stone them to death, people don't do it.

l like that law, it will protect American future.

Christopher J. said...

I believe that although this may "provide an incentive for the criminal to kill their victim or to keep it hidden," it would also provide a tremendously greater incentive to not do such evil acts, such as child rape, which I believe is undoubtedly evil. I also think that the ability to pass a law concerning criminal/capital punishment should be a state power so that different states can express their views on criminal punishment laws, rather than having the Supreme Court decide what is deserving of capital punishment. Nowadays, people are becoming less concerned about the consequences of their actions because they are not handled severly, even though the severity of what they have done is very great. This has led to people become irresponsible and less morally convicted, because they either have a scapegoat or a punishment that is light, compared to the temporary pleasure they experienced in committing the crime...

Derek Powell said...

I think Louisiana should be able to make a law like this if they choose, however....

To play Devil's Advocate, as I love to do, you have to consider what a death penalty to child rapists will mean for the victims.

If someone rape's a child, and after that they KNOW if they ever get caught they will be put to death, what then is their motivation to let that victim live? The victim is a liability to them, someone who can lead the authorities to the perpetrator, so then (survival of the fittest) dictates that the perpetrator would then kill the victim to cover his/her tracks.

Granted, I'm sure this already happens occasionally, as it stands, the penalty for murder is worse than the penalty for child rape, if you make it the other way around, you can bet almost every case of child rape is going to be tied to a case of murder. They've already put a death sentence on their head with the rape, what do they have to lose by adding murder? It's a catch 22

Just a thought,

Mr. Powell