Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Should we the people of Texas be able to make it illegal to get an abortion, if we want to?

(63% of the 2301.8009 class thought no.)
(52% of the 2301.8012 class thought no.)


shenley s. said...

In discussing the topic of abortion and the right to make it illegal in Texas, I just recently read an interesting statistic in the book Freakonomics by famous economists Levitt and Dubner. In the 1990's the U.S. saw a sharp decrease in violent and non- violent crimes. Many reasons were suggested by publice officials including increased prison sentences, strong economy, aging population, tougher gun control, changed policy. All were refuted. The reason for the decreased crime- the legalization of abortion in the 70's. On page 127, it states "growing up in a single-parent home roughly doubles a child's a propensity to commit crime. So does having a teenage mother. Another study has shown that low maternal education is the single most powerful factor leading to criminality"- all reasons for abortion. I thought this was interesting considering we have spent a lot of time talking about other statistics including unwed mothers leading to poverty in Mississippi.

Please note, I myself do not believe in abortion but I do support a women's right to choose. Hopefully more can be done to help women make better choices before they are faced with an unwanted pregancy.

- Shenley S.

sk8str81 said...

es, i believe we could and i believe we should...Killing of a baby is still murder, so this should not be taken lightly as if this isn't something all women should do if they didn't want a baby...Other factors go into play, if a mothers life is in danger in any way she should have the option. Also if the mother is not of legal age, her parents should have the option to decide...I do believe we should as a state have the decision as a majority whole to make the murder of innocent babies illegal.