Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Illegal Immigration

Should the US build a border fence?


Rebe88 said...

I believe building a fence will not stop people from comming into this country illegally just because people from Mexico need a better paying job. The problrm is within the Mexcan government;they too need to regulate immigration, not just the U.S. Also, I believe that those illegal immigrants that have been in the country for at least 10 years need to get their green cards and citizenships.

Unknown said...

Yes. Maybe building a fence will not stop all people from Mexico coming to the US, but for sure the percent of illegal immigrants will decrease. And that is the point of having a fence on the border.
If this process will help from coming illegal emigrants to the US I don't see any reason why not build a fence on a border.
We have to remember that being illegal in this country its a crime.