Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Affirmative Action

Should UT be able to show preference based on race?

(81% of the 2301.8009 class thought no.)


Unknown said...

admission should be done on the basis of students capability not on the basis of his/her race

sanjay kumar kurmi

Nhan Ai said...

In a country like the US, where racial discrimination is judged to be wrong, there should not be any preference based on the skin color. In UT, academic evaluations should be made based on qualifications of individuals, not on their color, or even their sex and belief.

MarkNunes said...

I believe that affirmative action is something that we must accept as a society for the time being. It may be unconstitutiona but due to what we as a society did to black people less than a hundred years ago,it is ethically correct to clean up the mess and help them since they are less fortunate for the most part due to the chains we had on them in the recent past!