Monday, May 19, 2008

Weird Science

Should scientists be allowed to create human-animal embryos?


Cristal S. said...

I think that these kind of experiments shouldn't be done. I feel like scientists might get curious and want to see if a half human half animal creature could survive in this world. They could let it live past the 14 days and it might bring on many problems. This would also violate the creatures sacred triangle rights.

Cristal S.

Ana Maravillo said...

I believe that scientist should receive the approval because “...human-animal embryo research could save millions of lives...” as England’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown said. If life wants to be preserve, there needs to be experimentation – with certain limits of course – to make sure the final product indeed works. This research is an option to find the cures of many illnesses that attack the health of many individuals, and kill them in some cases. “The...majority...affected by conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy do not want any stone to be left unturned in the search for more effective treatments and cures.” There is no evidence that this new alternative will work, but there is a hope that it will.
Ana M.

Jessica H. said...

I think this is one of the most unethical things I have ever heard of. First, off you are mixing two different species, which can cause many complications with the embryo and even if it did live long enough. Even once the embryo lives past day 15, 16, or even 17, this is creating a life, whether its human or not. A life is a life and an animal should not be considered less worthy. This not only goes against morals of life, but also the sacred triangle, which is creating a life to kill it. We could even create a new race which could cause racism or discrimination against a certain type of being all over again. I honestly believe that the more that is studied and the more that is pursued, the more scientists will keep pushing to see what else they can create and who knows what they will come up with next. I am also thinking about the fact that the Japanese researchers found a waqy to turn any cell from any part of your body into a stem, so why do we need to mix aninal and humans if the Japanese already figured it out? This is an absolutely controversial issue that should not be pursued anymore.

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with what Dr. Iachetta was saying this morning about the human gut instinct.
If people have a gut feeling that something is wrong, I think that history may show that it is in fact wrong and something that people shouldn't partake in.
If so many people feel that it is probably wrong, with no real understanding or knowledge about the details, I feel that it creates the idea that maybe it really is wrong.
I think scientists should give people a little more credit and leave the animals to their own.

Unknown said...

No i do not think that scientists should be allowed to make human -animal embryo because it defies nature, dehumanizes mankind, not to mention it's an abuse of science. Just think if we allow them to do this now, then what's gonna be next, a mixture of plants and animals, furnitures and humans? i mean what's next???????

Jazmin Lara said...

I agree with Cristal's coment, if this experiement gets approved it would be breaking the sacrad triange. Why? because scientists would be dealing an embryo, a live that has already taken place during the first week, two weeks of conception. These embryos will not be given the choice to live. Another important reason why this is incorrect is that this type of experiments would be disrespecting nature and Jehovah God. Nothing good would come out of this, only bad consequences.

GTT said...

I beleieve that scientists should clarify why they are doing thsi type of chemistry. If it is proven or hypothesied to do wonders for those with the disease then maybe other people wouldnt mind supporting it. if I got more knowledge about the topic i would be more willing to give a straight away answer.

Sonya N