Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Health Insurance

Should the US government provide health insurance for all Americans?

(57% of the GOVT 8245 class thought yes.)


Jessica H. said...

In my own opinion, keeping fair to the American citizens, I believe that people need to take responsibility of one's own life and learn how to set their priorities or financial priorities right in life. This is a domestic problem which should be solved individually by each state, not by the nation. By providing health care to all American's, we are increasing federal government power beyond what they should be. This will not only cause higher taxes, but we are also thinking about who is using their insurance money to the most beneficial capicity? A lot of families today are even using it in other ways such as buying materialistic products and many are not caring for their health whatsoever. If we begin to pay higher taxes to support welfare, we will begin to see money is being used on people who are obsese because they so choose to be that way. In many cases, diseases and illnesses are not their faults, but it is hardly appropriate to pay for someone's issues that chose to eat too much, for an example. We should keep it running the way it is.

ket7 said...

With my current understanding of what a universal health care system would be like in the US, I don't think it's very realistic to say it would work like the postive image that's being portrayed. Maybe this is a little far-fetched, but when I think of a universal healthcare system I think of the reality of Parkland becoming the reality of all our hospitals. Parkland is a perfect example of government-provided healthcare; under a universal plan, what's to keep all of our hospitals from becoming that? I definitely want the people who need it to have access to affordable and efficient medical care, but I don't think blanket coverage is the best plan that can be come up with.

Faith Odemwingie said...

I definitely agree that that the US government should provide health insurance for all americans.. First of all, it will give everyone a great opportunity, and also there will be time limits on medicare/medicaid. I believe it is our duty to take care of each other and besides all americans get sick at some point of their lives, most especially homeless/unemployed people. I really think the government should take action about this, and i believe that it will make a difference.

Robert Gaspard said...

The government should not "provide" health insurance for all, but instead make it affordable for everyone and make it mandatory. Tax payers pay for the healthcare of the uninsured. Which is the way it should be but to many people are uninsured creating a massive problem and spending large amount of the budget we have to go towards hospital care and research. That money could better be used for improving community hospital programs and research. So that when there is someone who falls between the cracks of a required healthcare system, they will have proper care. As opposed to satisfactory care, which they are getting know.


amber i. said...

my opinion comming from a family that does not have alot of money at times i could be sick but able to go to the doctor.i understand that if they were to give everybody health insurance everybody would have to pay. but why not help somebody out that needs it.because you never know when it could be you that needs help.

Anonymous said...

I feel that if America were to change to a universal health care system that it would prove to not be beneficial to the society as a whole. I think that the ideas that the actual health care would go down with the cost of things going down and things of that nature.
However I mostly feel that it is up to the American people to work and care and be able to provide themselves with the health care that they need through their own hard work and labor.
I think that it is the government's job to protect us from harm and to protect our rights to life however I don't think that it is its responsibility to take care of us when we get sick.

GTT said...

There was quite a debate today as to whether the government should be able
to tax people for the purpose of universal healthcare. I definitely think
they have that right. As discussed in class today, the definition of
liberty has changed since the days of the founding fathers
. Some people
argued that it's not right to change that definition. That doesn't make
sense to me- the founding fathers established Congress so that in the future
we can make changes to the government- they knew that they were not
infallible. If we went back to the way they had originally intended
everything, women and minorities still wouldn't be able to vote and slavery
would exist. So to say we shouldn't change things is incorrect. But
to answer the question on healthcare, the government therefore has the right
to protect the lives of those who cannot afford to keep themselves healthy-
no excuses. No matter what the cost, we have to protect the lives of the
American people,
I think we can all agree on that basic idea, rooted in
the sacred triangle. Also, I didn't believe that I would ever hear the
solution of leaving the healthcare system up to capitalism and free
enterprise. In doing so, the federal government would be giving up its
power to protect the American people and leaving it in the hands of
corporate America. The American people would then loose their voice in the
matter since they would no longer have any input through the Legislature.
How can this be considered Democracy? It doesn't make any sense.

Kevin Vandersall