Monday, May 12, 2008

The Right to Vote

Should people have to show photo id in order to vote?


Unknown said...

People should show their id in order to vote. It is a safety precaution and reassurance that the people voting are, in fact, American citizens. With identity theft becoming as rampant today as it is, wont one of the next targets be voters in order to try to control the country? Just saying the extremes that can happen over time.

Stevie S. said...

I most certainly believe that a photo i.d. should be required in order to vote. I understand that in some extreme and rare instances, photo identification may be difficult to obtain, however the majority of adults have some sort of photo identification. In my opinion, any citizen without a photo i.d. is most likely not an upstanding citizen in the first place. Any job requires an i.d. in order to be hired… Another concern, the “warrants” issue—anyone with an outstanding warrant does not necessarily have access to the same freedoms as the rest of the population. i.e. you cant vote without concern for your liberty being taken… Anyone who has a warrant for their arrest should abide by the law in the first place, pay the ticket, or take care of the warrant by whichever means necessary. I fully understand that the warrant could be from anything as subtle as an unpaid traffic ticket, to something as serious as murder- but either way, if you have a warrant for your arrest, you are not a law abiding citizen in the first place. Why would we want non-law abiding citizens to have a say in choosing the representatives that make laws, if they do not follow laws in the first place? Speaking of illegal, what about people who are in the U.S. illegally? They, too, are law breakers. The mere fact that they came into America illegally quite obviously makes them law breakers. Not requiring photo identification seems like a huuuuuge outlet for illegal immigrants to vote. As we talked about in class, would non- U.S. citizens have what’s best for America in mind if they got a chance at the polls?

Unknown said...

Kari B.

I believe that people should show photo id in order to vote. It helps reassure that the person voting is, in fact, that person. The id is all for protection of the voter. What is so wrong with being protected?

Anonymous said...

I believe it is important for people to show some form of identification when voting. I don't really understand why that is such a controversy and I frankly don't understand why we haven't always had to, considering the number of other things that citizens must show an ID or give their SSN.
I think it is important to know that the person voting is the person they are saying they are and I don't think that is asking too much.

Jessica H. said...

People should most definitely need a valid photo ID in order to vote. I believe that as American's we take pride in the fact that we earned the right and privilege to vote and in order to maintain this, it should not be a privilege of someone who isn't willing to make the effort to become a U.S. citizen. Not only will this help to prevent fraud in the U.S. and identity theft, but we will also see more of an accurate election. Most US citizens have an ID anyways so it really should not be that much of an issue in the first place. US ID's reassure us of our lives in America as free.

Sarah said...

I think people should have to show a valid photo id in order to vote. I don't want someone stealing my voters card and acting like they are me to take my vote. Voting is a big deal in this country and it's what many people look forward to when they turn 18, sl why don't we just show an id to help prevent that right being taken from someone?

Sarah M.

Kevin Vandersall said...

I don't think people should have to show their photo ID in order to vote. First of all, the US has one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any major country, why would we try to make it even more complicated? It doesn't equate in my mind. Republicans over the past 100 years have done many things to try to make it harder to vote, this is just another instance of that once again. As far as worrying about criminals voting- first off, if you have a warrant out for your arrest, you still have the right to vote anything else would be unconstitutional. Second of all, the purpose of the ID is so that we can confirm the person who is voting is in fact the person they say they are. If someone wanted to vote under someone else's identity, wouldn't they just get a fake ID anyway? Bottom line: Voting needs to be made easier so that voter turnout increases, making the process harder is just an effort to take more votes away from the American people.
-Kevin Vandersall

GTT said...

I think that we should require a photo identification such as a driver's license or a government issued ID. I understand that it costs money to receive an ID, and voting should be free, but the cost is minimal and every adult should have one anyway for safety purposes. I do not think it is a hassle to have to carry an ID and it would be fairly convenient to check the ID and then stamp the voter registration card. I have voted before, and I know that voting is a fairly easy process. Showing an ID will also help preserve our identity so no one will vote in our place and it will also ensure that only citizens vote.

Cristy V