Thursday, May 22, 2008

US Spending on Medical Care

Should the US government cut spending on medical care?


shenley s. said...

I agree that have taxpayers pay for others heath care infringes on an individuals right to protection of property. However, reducing the money spent on Medicare and Medicaid would be too much of a jolt, especially when the Demcratic party is fighting for universal health care. I wish there was a way to cut down on health care costs so insurance coverage wouldn't be so high. As an individual it is almost impossible to afford it. In Texas they don't even provide maternity coverage for an individual. My husband's business partner's wife and I had to form a 4- person company in order to qualify for group coverage in orcer to get appropriate coverage. I still think our system today is better than universal health care- the quality of services would most certainly go down. Doctors would have even less incentive to practice. In every country that has universal health care, when a person has a critical medical crisis- they get on the first plane to the US. Our medical care is the best in the world. There has to be a better way. Maybe it's what Dr. Iachetta mentioned- having us ALL pay for services out of pocket utilizing different finace toolslike the FLEX plan or a 401H (a pre-taxed investment tool).
There should be a new initative to teach citizens how to care take of themselves financally and more importantly-phyically by adopting more Eastern medicine, wellness, and exercise.

Arafath Islam said...

Arafath I.

I don't think that the U.S. should stop spending on Medicare because it is already too expensive to go to doctor.The middle class people wont be able to afford to go to a doctor. There would be alot more death in U.S., If i could then I would cut down my spending in other countries and put that money into medical benefit where every single American Citizen would be able to go to the doctor.

Unknown said...

Of course the government should cut spending on medical care. In my opinion they should take out socialist programs completely. They undermine our basic rights, our sacred triangle. Not to mention they are putting our country into major debt.
The only thing that should not be cut is Civil servant retirement and Veteran benefits. Those were earned by the people working for the government, directly.
You cut the problem, you cut the debt.

Jessica H. said...

In my own opinion, I do agree with the fact that we should cut government spending on medical care. I think that this is best for the protection of citizens and their property and going by the sacred triangle, it most definitely even proves life. Medical care is a personal responsibility and too many American's take advantage of the fact that it comes so easy. A majority of citizens who take medication complain about the cost of their medicine, even when it may be 1/10 of what they should really be paying. Our country is already $44 trillion in debt and each household owes $500,000 on medical bills. That is way too much money to be spending with a majority of people bring health issues upon themselves based on obesity, smoking, etc. Also, getting rid of Medicaid, etc. will be much better for doctor's and they will end up getting the money that they deserve instead of having so many issues with company policies and their own patients. There are too many doctors that prescribe unnecessary drugs because they are easy to come by, but if we are not receiving so much money and medical cuts, we will realize that these are not as necessary as we thought. It is in the best interest of the country for the taxes not to be raised and for us to cut the spending on medical care for the nation.

Andrew Wall said...

I would love to see everyones health care be covered, but it is unrealistic. Cost of medical is extremly high, and the only clear way to cover it is tax the people. I don't want to pay for others medical. I also think it violates the constitution.

Hannah P said...

I think that the US should cut spending on medical care. The amount of debt that America is in is horrible and I think that adding universal health care will only make things worse. Now the government will have to provide health care for every single person in the US. It sounds good to us but once we realize how much taxes will increase to produce this it ceases to sound like a great solution. I do think we need to have insurance companies but I don't think that the government should pay for everyone's health care.

Qydra said...

You can't expect to fix the economy by enacting monstrous spending projects such as this when the nation is already bankrupt. We have to cut back on the government's spending and pay off the debt before we can even think of doing any large-scale spending. I'm not saying we can't spend anything at all, I'm just saying that the less we spend, the faster our economy will recover.

GTT said...

I think it is something to be said when Cubans & the prisoners at Guantanamo bay have
better health care than we do. I agree that states should vote instead of the nation as a whole,
beause it might not necessarily work as well in some states as it does others. I personally could
care less about helping out the people who are unhealthy by choice because I would rather look on the
better side of the program and believe I'm helping others who can't help themselves. -Molly L

Kevin Vandersall said...

Health care is extremely important to protecting the lives of Americans. It seems as though most people don't realize the heath care situation in other countries. I have been to the Netherlands, where they have an extensive health care plans. There is universal health care and the people there love it. There are only 2 drawbacks- the quality of care decreases for a time and there is a long wait list to get in. But we have to ask ourselves if protecting human lives are worth that. In the Netherlands they even treat patients that are illegal immigrants from other countries. I think it's extremely sad that we have this mentality in this country that everyone should be able to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps" I don't understand why we are not willing to help other people, we just want to be able to accumulate wealth and achieve the "American Dream". I think it's extremely selfish. In the Netherlands people look down on the rich for not sharing their money. Also, it was said in class that countries with universal health care plans have high unemployment rates. As a response to that, first of all, there is not direct correlation there. Secondly, in the Netherlands, the government will pay you if you are fired from your job until you get another one.
When you think about it though, it's not all a government issue. Our society is way too selfish. People just need to care a little more.

amber i. said...

I know that paying for other peoples medical care is taking other people money. But sometimes people need alittle extra help and i dont really see why cant you spare some extra money on taxes to assure.Mabye that a sick girl whose parents could not affored helf care get some help that is just my opinion.