Monday, May 19, 2008

Gas Prices

Should we drill for oil in Colorado?


fernando said...

I think that the United States should drill oil from colorado. Why go to other countries and depend on their help when we have everything we need here at home.

jhering said...

We live in a country where one is not always accounted for the words spoken or actions committed.
PEDA is a great organization that serves to protect our environment, but as our government runs, so should all groups.
Colorado, Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, are all locations that we can drill for oil and gain a greater surplus of oil, but can be done without the damage of nature or done with the restoration of nature after oil has been depleted.
Hopefully our government has kept a check on oil companies, so that we don't go through another Rockefeller age of oil.

Arafath Islam said...

Arafath I.

I think that we should start digging in our own country instead of relying on other countries to supply us oil. Our country in big is huge, I'm pretty sure if we started digging in our country then we will some day find gas. that way we don't have to go to Saudi and beg them to increase the number of barrels then send us or rely on them anymore.

Andrew Wall said...

I would say no. Colorado has so much natural beauty. Drilling for oil will destroy so much of its enviorment. Instead of looking for more oil we should try to develop new means of energy.

Unknown said...

The only reason oil isn't being drilled for in Colorado and Alaska is because of wildlife protection. I believe that wildlife is to be protected so that our country can enjoy it, but what if this natural resource can help our country and the oil can be drilled in a way that it doesn't effect the wildlife anymore than silver or gold mining in the mountains had? Nature has a way of adapting and evolving over what humans' industrialization has brought. There are smart ways to access this oil reserve, what hasn't it been looked into more than it has?

Arafath Islam said...

The way gas prices are going up, I think that it is time to us to start digging in colorado and see if we can find any gas. It doesn't help the when we have to rely on other countries to supply us gas. I think the gas price will keep on rising until we find more gas field in the united states.

Anonymous said...

On this topic I feel like I am very much in the middle, I can understand why we should and why we shouldn't dig for oil in Colorado.
I feel like it would be okay to dig in Colorado for the reasoning of having more supply coming from our own country rather than depending so much on other countries (of which we don't have good relations).
But on the other hand, I think that with energy the way it is looking I think the country should be focusing all of its attention on other means of energy, and other ways to produce the things we depend so heavily on.