Monday, May 12, 2008

Surveillance without a Judge's Approval

Should the US government be able to listen to phone calls between a terrorist (or suspected terrorist) in another country and someone in this country in order to prevent terrorist attacks--without a judge's prior approval?


Unknown said...

I believe that the government has the right to listen in on calls of suspected terrorists in other countries. They are not protected by our constitution and therefore are not governed by our laws. So if someone in the US is making contact with a possible terrorist, is it not that person who is putting themselves at risk?

levani said...

I think that it's wrong to listen in on others if theres no reason to, thats invasion of privacy at its best. I would understand if the person who was being spyed on was suspicious and all but if theres no concrete evidence of it then its just plain creepy. The majority of my family lives across seas and I have talked to them for hours and thinking about some guy with headphones listening to my conversation with my uncles really ticks me off. if surveillance is needed then a judge should approve. simple as that

Unknown said...

Kari B.

The US government should be able to listen in on phone calls that are placed outside the country and incoming to one of it's inhabitants (not everyone in this country is a citizen). People in other countries are not under the same protection of privacy laws. And the president has the right to protect US CITIZENS against foreign attacks.

JohnMurray45 said...

Not on one American citizen to another inside America, but a phone call to here or from here to someplace in the Middle East, heck yeah. The way I understand it works is that no one is really listening until a computer filter picks up key words, then the conversation is recorded and reviewed and supplementary phone calls are red flagged and listened in on. Or maybe its just some creep with headphones, I don't know. Do you trust your government to make the right decisions? I don't, not on the whole. But yeah, as far as international calls go, do it.

Cristy said...

Since the topic is about suspected terrorists, then yes, I think it is ok for government to monitor phone conversations of a U.S. inhabitant and someone abroad. I expect our government to want to protect the government to this extent, but I just hope that the government does not abuse this power. Phone lines should only be tapped if there are extremely strong suspicions of someone being a terrorist.

As far as without a Judge's approval, I think it is okay because sometimes the process of getting things taken care of takes too much time.

cristy v

amber i. said...

i do not think it is right for there to be suveillance with out a juges approval. I think it goes against our amendments and takes away my privacy. It would be different if they mabye had something on my to need to survellience me but other then that its like they are just looking for a reason to listen.