Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Iraq War

Was it right to go to war in Iraq?

(53% of the GOVT 2302.8245 class thought no.)


Cristal S. said...

I think that the US should have gone into war to prevent further terrorist attacks. Even so, I think that this war has taken too long to end and many lives have been lost.
Cristal S.

sonya26 said...

My answer would be yes and no. I feel the war should have been thoroughly planned out in order to prevent a high death toll as we have now. We sent in too much of the military and we are still in Iraq so many years later. I say yes because it is human nature to respond to a threat. It destroyed countless number of people's sacred triangle and has left so many individuals out of their comfort zone. No matter what the problem would have resulted in war.
Sonya N

Anonymous said...

I think that at the time, around the time of the September 11 attacks and when everything seemed to be out of order, I think that at the time that was the best way to handle what was going on. It seemed at the time to be what needed to be done.
If it is still okay today, knowing more information about certain situations, that is still left to be discussed and I am not sure I know enough about things to form a solid opinion on the matter, however I do feel that when everything started, its intentions were for the good of the country and for national security, and regardless of whether or not we should have, we did.

jhering said...

After reading through the textbook, I did not realize how much tension was between the coalition including the U.S. and Great Britian and the coalition of Russia, France, and China. Seeing the evidence and circumstancial evidence concerning Weapons of Mass Distruction, I concluded that it was right to enter Iraq and overthrow a corrupted Regime.

Concering the status of the War on Terrorism. History has shown that a defeat and leave stratagy does not work, instead we must help these countries get back on its feet and become a country again.


"The official, James R. Clapper Jr., a retired lieutenant general, said satellite imagery showing a heavy flow of traffic from Iraq into Syria, just before the American invasion in March, led him to believe that illicit weapons material ‘unquestionably’ had been moved out of Iraq."

What will happen to these weapons that were moved in light of the United States invading Iraq?
-Jake H

Jessica H. said...

In my own opinion, I don't believe that it was necessary at all for Bush to administer war in Iraq or for the Congress to even approve of it. We have no proof that weapons of mass destruction wer even found for sure before we even stepped foot onto their soil. This not only causes more conflict in destruction between countries, but also degrades the morals of America when we allow ourselves to be looked at as the "evil" country. It is our duty to create good ties and bonds with other countries and not ruin it for our fellow citizens. There are so many more countries that have greater threats on Iraq than America, so in a way it was our way of just searching for someone to fight with. This in turn, also caused a huge money slump in our economy, when we were already in a slump to begin with and even now how we have worries of recession. Instead of using our money to take the lives of not only American's, but all innocent people, it is best we pull out now!

Faith Odemwingie said...

I absolutely don't think it is right for the US to go to war. The war should have been planned out more in order elevate tragic deaths. Could had been another solution than a war, instead of sending too much military to Iraq and yet the was is still not over. And lastly i personally think it corrupted the economy.

Hannah P said...

I believe that the US should have gone to war with Iraq. Iraq deliberately went against the cease-fire agreement by seeking to rebuild its WMD capabilities and by cooperating with international terrorists. Also, I believe that what Hussein was doing to his citizens was pure evil and we needed to protect the citizens. We would want someone to rescue us from an evil dictator if we were too weak to do so ourselves.

Arafath Islam said...

Arafath I.

I think that we made the right choice to go to war with Iraq because I believe that Iraq was a threat to America. It supported terrorism. they let those terrorists stay in Iraq and train. I think that all the middle eastern countries hate America becaus of its support of Israel. As long as we support Israel the Middle eastern people will hate us.

Jazmin Lara said...

I don't think it was the correct decision to declare war in Iraq. I don't think declaring war solves anything, in facts it brings more and more problems to the world. Several years have passed, several problems have disappear but many other have arrived. So it has been proven that Iraq was a threat to America, but declaring war was not the best decision. Other countries have also shown a threat to American, does this mean that the U.S. should declare war on every country that threatens the Americans? Declaring war is not the decision.
Jazmin L.