Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Illegal Immigration

Should Farmers Branch make it illegal to rent houses or apartments to people in the country illegally?

Farmers Branch: does the Federal government have the power to pre-empt local laws?

(See also this article about a raid on a slaughterhouse in Iowa and the detention of people in the country illegally)


fernando said...

I think that Farmers Branch should not let illegal immigrants rent a house or an apartment. I am a currently a resident of farmers branch an have been living there for 10 years, and the city has really changed. The city of Farmers Branch is not doing anything wrong, they are simply enforcing the laws that need no be enforced. People should not be in the United States illegally so why should they be able to rent.

ket7 said...

If the people of Farmers Branch want to make that decision, I feel they have the right to. That is their city and hence they have jurisdiction over it. Since the immigrants are illegally in the country I almost feel that there shouldn't even be a question about allowing them to live there or not.

Arafath Islam said...

Arafath I.

I think that they should be able to rent houses or apartment because all that matters to landlord is the money, as long as the illegal immigrants are able to pay their rent and take care of the property then live in then I tink it shoud be allowed. These people came here for better life, if they don't find a place to live then how are we offering them better life.

Robert Gaspard said...

I think they should make it illegal. These businesses and apartments are encouraging illegal activity by allowing this and profiting. Illegals work hard thats no doubt but they need to make themselves known to the government so that we can have a better check on those in our country. By not doing so they are basically saying WE DON"T CARE ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY OR YOUR LAWS WE JUST WANT A BETTER LIFE. Thats all well and good but think about all the people who are here LEGALLY, whom wanted a better life and did it through the proper channels. It is not fair to them and all their hard work. The "American Dream" is just that a dream. Dreams don't come true over night, they take hard work. If it is something you want or it is a dream why wouldn't you work hard for it? Most parents teach this basic fundamental fact to their children. No one in their situation has it easy, but the "dream" is obtainable! And Farmers Branch is saying, work for the dream! Come and get it! Not, come and take it!

Cristal S. said...

I think that farmers branch shouldn't make it illegal for illegal people to rent a home. These people are here illegally but just because they can't rent a home they're not necessarily going to leave the country. Not letting illegal immigrants rent an apartment might even increase homelessness or there will be a lot of people living together.

jhering said...

"I am disappointed that the judge chose to ignore the will of the people," said City Council member Tim O'Hare
If this is what the people voted, neither federal nor state law should not go against the will of the people. Yes, the powers of the governments and the people must be kept in check, but government should be ruling according the people that are represented. Illegal immigrants are not under United States Government because they are not represented and not registered. Therefore, the ruling in Farmers Branch should stand.
Jake H

Faith Odemwingie said...

I personally think that farmers branch should not make it illegal to rent houses or apartments to people in the country illegally. I know it's up to them to make their decision, but this people do not mean any harm. I believe as long as they pay their rents that's all that matters. Also, for them been illegal in the first place of course they will want to abide by the rest of the rules simply because they already went against one. They also pay their taxes and it's not also in their jurisdiction.

Hannah P said...

I think that Farmers Branch should be allowed to vote on this issue. This is a very difficult issue. I will have to think more on to decide if it is morally right to rent to illegal immigrants. My gut reaction is no because they are illegal and enabling illegal immigrants often means becoming involved in more illegal activities. At this same time I can sympathize with the struggles that the illegal immigrants go through just to provide for their families. ( Watch that new movie The Visitor.) However I can strongly say from a legal point of view that the people of Farmers Branch have a right to live under laws that they choose. Also, does it seem a little strange to anyone that the Federal Government is defending the illegal immigrants?
Hannah P

Unknown said...

I think that the city of Farmer's Branch should make it illegal to rent apartments to illegal immigrants because by doing so they are targeting with intention to punish the people who are condoning illegal immigration to this country; thus instilling " fear" into business owners and corporations who usually hire them. Who knows, this may get the ball rolling on stopping illegal immigration. Pf

Brian said...

I think my piers to are looking at this issue in the wrong way. I feel the city, or any government has no right to say who rents an apartment. I believe that its up to the landlords to make a decision about who lives in the houses and apartments they oversee. Government can't dictate where someone lives just as much as they can't tell what resturants people can eat.

Brian H.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that illegal immigrants should be allowed to rent a house or an apartment and I think that if Farmers Branch wants to enforce this they should be allowed to.
These people shouldn't be here illegally in the first place and I don't think it is wrong to deny them rent of a house or apartment.

GTT said...

We should not rent appartment to illegal immigrants for many reasons.
First we should know who is who before doing this ;.unidentified people come into the country to commit crime and smuggle drugs, those things are dangerous for ours liberty, life and property.
Second, by renting to illegal we can rent to terrorists who entered illegally through Mexico; they can have enough time to plan their actions.
To be more secured we should not rent to illegal immigrants
amavi a

GTT said...

Yes people should be able to rent homes. If tehy are not breaking any laws and if they are pating their rent then why bother? Plus it is not in their jurisdiction. The Courts need to stop overpowering the representatives and realize they do not have the final say in a matter. I know it is wrong to be in the US illegally but think of all the illegal things the governemtn does to us people. there should be a change of reference and it needs to happen soon.
-Sonya N.

GTT said...

I do not think illegal immigrants should be deported. I am biased because a close friend at my church was detained and deported, so I was depressed to see this happen. I think even worse was seeing his family try to deal with it. He had three daughters and a wife. One reason why I do not think that they should be deported is because it breaks up families and everyone suffers from this. Another reason is because the came to America looking for a better life and now all they find here are poor wages, hard work, and discrimination. I understand that they are breaking the law by being here, but instead of sending them back, the government can provide better programs to allow these illegal immigrants to become legal. One reason why some immigrants never become legal is because they do not know how to. If they were to try, they fear that they would also be deported and go back to a place that they left for a reason. I think as Americans, we should care more for the people in our country and try to extend our Americanism towards others to become citizens.

Cristy V

Jazmin Lara said...

According to the constitution, the city has the right to decide not to led illigal immigrants rent apartments, but this doesn't mean I agree with this. In my opinion, the city of farmers branch is discriminating these people, if this law is passed these people would be thrown out of to the street along with their families. Even thought illigal immmigrants don't have the same rights as citizens, wouldn't the city be discriminating the people for not showing equality?