Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Illegal Immigration

Should the US government detain and deport people who are in the US illegally?

(57% of the GOVT 2302.8245 class thought no.)


Cristal S. said...

I think that illegal immigrants should not be deported for various reasons. For one, they didn't come to this country to harm anyone. Well,most of them didn't. They came in order to better their families lives. They also better the economy. They do hard labor jobs that most people would not like to do and for a very low pay.

MollyLow said...

In my opinion, I think removing all of the undocumented immigrants would be very harmful to our economy, first and foremost. Secondly in the case of Mexico, I believe that we would be getting rid of the symptom and not the problem. I strongly believe we should turn the focus from that they're coming to why are they coming. They are coming because Mexico is in a horrible political & economical situation. I believe to first way to fix our problem, is by first helping Mexico itself. I believe we should keep the immigrants we have & allow no more. I am no expert, but thats what I believe.

Stevie S. said...

Since some think that ILLEGAL immigrants should not be deported, does that mean that we should just open our borders to everyone, without discretion? If this is the case, and we do not deport illegals, what is the point of having the law at all? Laws which we do not enforce are useless. What is the point? If we stop enforcing this law, where do we draw the line, and who decides which laws are/are not enforced? Laws are made by our representatives, representing the people, so abolishing this law through the correct means of legislation is the only constitutionally sound decision if we do not deport these illegal citizens. If they do not even obey the law upon entering our country, who is to say they would change their ways and suddenly be law-abiding illegals?

I also feel that it would be a contradiction to say these two things in the same argument:
1. That illegal immigrants make a positive contribution to our economy
2. That illegal immigrants simply come here to support their families back home… and they send their earnings back home, to a FOREIGN economy.
Arguments 1&2 obviously contradict one another.

We have estimated 12million illegal immigrants in America. An estimated 7 of those estimated 12million are currently working in our workforce.
ALSO, there are 7.8 million employable, (are actually able to work), unemployed American citizens.
This would theoretically open jobs for 90% of those unemployed Americans.
The above statistics are derived from the 2007 census. They are facts available to anyone. I could not, however find any factual evidence supporting the fact that illegal workers do jobs that actual citizens will not do. I know that I would do hard manual labor for some extra cash if I got the chance. I believe the low pay issue is just an excuse. The illegals are paid low because they make themselves available to do work for that cheap. In foreign countries, they would not even get that much to do labor, so they work for less than we see fit. If illegals were deported, the supply of cheap labor would subside, and Americans could get these jobs, and possibly get paid more to do them. Even if that did not help America’s economy, the $2.4billion which Mexicans alone send back home would definitely do good, being put into our economy rather than theirs. Having a higher rate of pay for these jobs and less money sent out of the country would actually stimulate America’s economy, not hurt it.

Ana Maravillo said...

I believe that the U.S.A. Government could primarily detain and deport the illegal immigrants who have a criminal record. In other words these raids will clean the nation from the ones who are destroying it, the point of this proposal is to do it gradually without alarming them. Consequently at the end, the U.S.A. Government will be left with the people who have clean records. Then, the U.S.A. Government could decide whether or not those illigal immigrants deserve a second opportunity in order to obtain some kind of legal status and do the process in a legal way. It is true that many of the workers use “...fraudulent Social Security numbers...” to work, and that some of them abuse of the U.S.A. economy. However, it is also true that they get paid under the minimum wage, and they do the hard jobs, ei construction. Therefore the solution that I see is to “...[enforce] immigration laws”; making laws to put limits to the amount of people accepted in this nation.

jhering said...

Illegal immigrants do not better out economy; it either keeps it the same or worsen it. The money that they earned are off the books and untaxed; also the money the send back to their families is not being used in our economy.

Yes, Illegal immigrants work the jobs that many citizens view as degrading and low, I will agree with this, and majority of illegal immigrants are escaping corruptness of their own country, but what are they escaping from? A few less dollars and a roof over their heads?

Take any other first world country and try to sneak into it illegally. You will be deported within 6 months to a year. Why is America the only first world country to allow this?

Bottom line, enter the country legally and the problem wouldn't exist.

Unknown said...

It doesn't really matter what people are doing here in the United States. If they are here illegally then they should suffer the law that comes with it. Which is deportation, when they do not have the proper papers. Even then we are too lax. Illegal immigration is still what it says, illegal. There is no magic wand to be waved. And the jobs you say they do that no one else will? We have a job deficit. Those jobs will be done by American citizens, were they able. But no, hiring illegal immigrants is cheaper. Because they will accept pay for next to nothing. A good friend of my family's is an immigrant from Mexico. He started his own business and now owns 5 restaurants. He got his citizenship when i was 8 years old and he came to this country by legal means. He worked to support his family and bring them to the states. And he did it through the proper channels. This man IS living the American dream.

Kari B.

Jazmin Lara said...

I disagree with the deportation of illegal immigrants. For one reason, Illegal immigrants are not criminals and in a way they should not be treated as criminals. I understand that they have broken the law by passing illegally to the country. Somehow, the deportation does not make sense to me why the immigration department goes after these people desperately treating them like if they have murder someone without having consent that they are human beings like everyone else. Maybe the circumstances didn't give these immigrant people an option to wait through a long process to pass legally to the country. Many of the immigrants do not come to cause harm to the country, instead they come desperately seeking for jobs, a better education, or have come to give their children something that was difficult to find in their own country. Something that the citizens should remember is that a large percentage of the American population is here because their past generations also immigrated to this country in search for a better job or a better education for their children. Of course illegal immigrants should learn to adapt to this country by putting their effort in learning the language, adapting to the culture and the government.

Anonymous said...

I think that regardless of any kind of economic standing that illegal immigrants have brought to the United States that there is no excuse for them coming in illegally. There are ways to go through the process and legally become a law abiding, tax paying American citizen and if someone wants or needs to move here they should go through that process.
Furthermore, the majority of these immigrants are not doing all good for the country. If anything as a whole they are weakening the structure. The problem is that they are not leaving, they come and they work, they send some money home and then they live off of the government's funds and our tax dollars. There is a way for them to better their lives and so many do go through the process correctly, more of them should take that example.

Kevin Vandersall said...

I don't believe the U.S. should deport illegal immigrants. If we are truly concerned as a country with helping people in foreign nations, why are we ignoring the needs of these people who are willing to sacrifice everything they have in coming here to find work? Why are we so selfish with the things we take for granted anyway (like citizenship)? I think that if you really want to help someone, there shouldn't so many barriers. Basically, this isn't a matter of a desire to break the law on the part of the immigrants, it's a reluctance to help others on ours.
-Kevin V.

Andrew Wall said...

During class today I was all for deportation of illegal immigrants, but after going to work and discussing I with my co-worker I had a change of heart. I discovered many new things. For instance because the people are illegal and hold jobs they actually pay more taxes than I do. I get a tax return. Illegal immigrants have money taken out of their paychecks and can not get it back because they are not able to file. Also even if you marry a citizen or have children in the country you will not become a citizen. It would be wrong to send back people and separate children from parents. It would also be expensive to take care of the children left behind. Sending people back is not the answer!
Wall, A

JohnMurray45 said...

This is mostly rewritten from an article I read by Phyllis Schlafly on April 23, 2008--
Want to know how much of your hard-earned income the government is skimming off and diverting into handouts to immigrants and illegal aliens? You can go read the details in the new 70-page document called "The Economic and Fiscal Impact of Immigration" written by Edwin S. Rubenstein. He has been doing financial analysis ever since he directed the studies for the prestigious Grace Commission of 1984. The bottom line, which you need to know for your own bottom lime, is that U.S. taxpayers are giving more than $9,000 a year in cash or benefits to each immigrant, a third of whom are illegal aliens. That's $36,000 for each immigrant household of four. Since the U.S. has 37 million immigrants, legal and illegal, the national cost was more than $346 billion last year, which was twice our fiscal deficit. Anyway, the cost of immigration is so high because, as Rubenstien writes, "Immigrants are poorer, pay less tax and are more likely to receive public benefits than natives." The financial burden that immigrants impose on education starts with the 3.8 million K-to-12 students enrolled in more-expensive classes for the non-English-speaking. When we add up the cost of hiring specialized teachers, training regular teachers, student identification and assessment, and administration costs, the total amounts to an estimated $1,030 per pupil, or $3.9 billion.

In a different article I found -
Barbara Vidlak got off easy with just identity theft. Still, you wouldn't want her problems. The rip-off of her Social Security number by an illegal immigrant has caused Barbara's phone to be turned off, loss of health insurance for her two kids as well as extra money out of pocket from the 34-year-old Omaha resident for credit checks and other expenses, such as lost time at work. She also had to act as a detective to track down the culprit who has filled her life with turmoil and stress. The reporting on this crime is notable for its relentless sympathy for the perpetrator, even when the damage to the victim is obvious for all to see. Rather than note how illegal immigration is not a victimless crime, reporter Cindy Gonzalez quotes an "immigrant rights" advocate who says that "In some ways, both women are victims."

Both women are victims? I'm so tired of hearing about all of these people who feel sorry for the illegal immigrants, seriously if I could find a link to the worlds smallest violin I would paste it and show it playing for them. Is it right to deport illegal aliens? Heck yeah it is. They are not interested in the welfare of American citizens or our ways, as soon as they are the majority legally then they will take office in our political establishments and help more illegals come over. Texas, Dallas especially, is a prime example, our police chief is a 4 foot tall Mexican lady, our next governor will likely be Mexican, many mayors and other offices are held by Mexicans already, and the majority race in Texas's major cities and schools is Mexican now, at 54%. It's a war for takeover that's being won without firing a single shot. Interestingly enough if you follow the illegal immigration statistics and the crime rate statistics they go hand in hand, as the illegal immigration rises in a particular area so does the crime.

The emergency medical treatment given for free to illegal aliens is another huge cost, causing some hospitals and emergency rooms to close. Emergency means any complaint from hangovers to hangnails, gunshot wounds to AIDS. 24.2 percent of immigrant households receive Medicaid, whereas the figure for native-born Americans is 14.8 percent. More ideas that seem wrong are the proposition of some in the government to make illegals eligible for for social security. Oh yeah that's great, take the already stressed Social Security System, a system made by law abiding citizens FOR law abiding citizens that have been paying into it for years, and just hand huge chunks of it to people from other countries that haven't paid a dime into it.

Some liberals are trying to tell us to fight a recession by bringing in more immigrants, but that would only raid the pockets of U.S. taxpayers to support more millions of non-taxpayers. It's hard to say which is more outrageous: the diversion of Americans' personal income into cash handouts for foreigners, or the federal government's policy of concealing the fiscal impact of immigration. And remember what we learned in class, Thomas Jefferson was against taking ones money and giving it to another, so how much more so do you think Thomas Jefferson would have been against taking ones money and giving it to someone that is not even a fellow American? So yes, illegal immigration is not a victimless crime, it does cause problems, it is illegal, and our government should find them and deport them.

-John M.

Faith Odemwingie said...

I don't think immigrants should be deported because it's not the right thing to do. First of all, they came to the US trying to assimilate, also they are abiding with the laws meaning no harm to the country. It also breaks up families, especially if they all came together. Lastly it takes away their opportunities because most immigrants came here to better their lives by working really hard in order to go back home and take care of their families.

Unknown said...

No i believe that it's ethically and morally wrong to hunt down illegal immigrants and deport them. All they came here to do was earn money and help their families back home. They are given crappy jobs and paid less. Besides if the government really wanted to get rid of them then should would target the companies that hire them.

Arafath Islam said...

Arafath Islam
I think that the illegal immigrants should not be deported. My reason for saying that would be
1. they are one of the hardest working people.
2. they are not harming anyone, they are here for better life, to support their family back home. I don't think deporting these people would help our economy at all because these people do the jobs that american citizens wouldn't do.
those are some of the reasons that i believe deporting the illegal immigrants would be a bad idea.

Hannah P said...

Amnerica would not be what it is without immigrants. This is how this country was founded in the first place. I think that America thrives from having different cultures working together for liberty. However, I do notfeel that we should force some people to go through the rigorous process of becoming an American citizen or having a green card while allowing others the same benefits without the work. I think perhaps the system could have altered to allow more immigrants to enter America but I think they should have to show that they plan to abide by America's laws by going through the correct process of immigration.

amber i. said...

I disagree with deporting immigrants.one because they are comming over to try and start a good life for their family.and from what i know it is a very long and hard process to get in the U.S. so mabye they dont have the money for one or manye they just needed to get out to help provide for their family

Qydra said...

I think this is a complicated issue. I know some people are in this country illegally because they came from desperate circumstances.

At the same time, I think we need to enforce the laws that Congress has passed. They are in force and have not been repealed.

I think that if you deport one person, you shouldn't split up their family. I can't imagine that the government doesn't give these people a choice to take their children or other family members. I may be wrong, but I think they must be giving them a choice.

Also, I definitely think we should secure the border so that we no longer have so many illegals crossing the border.

1. Freed from having to factor in the number of illegal immigrants coming in from Mexico, Customs and Immigration could then admit more people legally.

2. We might then be able to help some of the illegals to become citizens. Giving them citizenship before we secure the border just encourages more people to illegally immigrate.

Another idea is to deport illegals that are committing crimes (other than being here illegally), and to give law-abiding illegals the opportunity to earn citizenship.
Like I said, this should only be after we secure the border.