Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Death Penalty

Should Florida put a man to death for murdering his girlfriend?


Unknown said...

He should not be put to death, because then how will he ever have the chance to live to regret his action? When you are dead it is over and there are worse things than death. He will die eventually anyways, and if he does come to regret his action the weight of what he will have to bear will be quite heavy. Plus, if you kill him you will be no better than him as far as the outcome of the action. Then again, he did not give her a chance to live and then why should we give him a chance to live? Perhaps if we are a not a people who take lives, but rather a people who believe in protecting lives to set an example for all to see. Like young men from Florida who have much to learn and regret.

Stevie S. said...

I think that you were on to something in saying that we need to protect lives... But not the lives of murderers. I believe that the death penalty is more of a protection for citizens rather than a punishment for the murderer. Repeat offenders, or extreme cases of brutality need to be handled to the full extent of the law to protect citizens, and truly save lives. When I go overseas, I will respond with deadly force if lives are threatened. While I am on civilian status in America, I expect government to do its duty and protect citizens from murderers to the full extent of thier ability.

Jessica H. said...

In my own opinion, I am totally against capital punishment. Baed on my morals, values, and religious background, I feel that there are many reasons to ridding of the idea of capital punishment all together. Many people tend to think that it is a waste of money to allow someone to sit in jail and take up our taxes, but how can any one person even put a price on someone's life, not matter who it is or what he has done. It is now up to this man to sit in jail for the rest of his life and realize the regret and stupid act of violence that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Not only has he taken away one life, he has pretty much taken away his life as well. When people, speak of an "eye for an eye," they taking this phrase too literal from the Bible and turning it into a totally different meaning. A person's life is absolutely to important and how can we say when a man should die or not. It is not our duty in life to be God and we know that because it was not his duty in life to take away her's either. If we kill a man, we are telling society that "TWO WRONGS DO MAKE ONE RIGHT!" they aboslutely do not. Rethink captial punishment and research a little more before you act on the thought of pure anger.

JohnMurray45 said...

The death penalty serves no real purpose, supposedly, other than possibly satisfying revenge. It has been shown in studies and taught in classes that the death penalty is not a deterrent for criminals. But if someone burned my daughter up I'd make sure they got the death penalty one way or the other.

So, should a Florida man be put to death for murdering his girlfriend? Yep, sure. I can't see any real reason why it would matter to anyone outside of the girls family, I think it should be up to them, but it is not.

Judicially what we really should be glad is not happening is the murderer being let off the hook with some kind of 3 year sentence and early probation for good behavior.

Fernando said...

I beleive that he should not be put to death. First of all there are people who commit worse crimes, for example killing their children and they dont get put to death. Second, maybe his girlfriend tried killing him and he just used self defense.

amber i. said...

No i do not think he should get the death penalty. I believe nobody should be sentenced to death.Yes he took a life but 2 wrongs dont make a right. Killing him will not bring the girl back. I think he should be sentenced to life so he has time to think about what he has done. And hopefully in time he can except what he did was wrong and ask for forgiviness from her parents and god.

Cristy said...

I also do not believe that this man should be sentenced the death penalty. I agree with y'all that two wrongs do not make a right. I just don't understand how we think we have the right to decide when someone should die. I personally feel that the death penalty is murdering someone. The best thing to do if we want to truly punish this guy is to make him stay alive but live a life of thinking about what he did and he might have a chance to regret what he did and ask for forgiveness or else just stay in jail as an evil man. Everyone deserves a second chance and even if he is to stay the rest of his life in jail, his soul will be able to get a second chance.
Cristy V

Robert Gaspard said...

I don't think they should put him to death. I have a few reasons why. First, this case sounds like a "crime of passion." The chances of him doing it again are very slim. It was "in the moment" with a loved one. However that does not mean that he should go free. Which brings me to my next point. Sentencing him to death may make use feel better, but ultimately we pay a lot of money for that peace of mind and retribution factor associated with this. The average life span of an inmate is 17 years, in the State of Texas. I know this is in Florida but the cost and statistics are almost identical. An inmate on death row, MUST have appeals, and serve time on death row for 15 years on average. Now the cost to house these inmates for an extra two years is more than the 15 years for a death row inmate but that death row inmate has mandatory appeals and lawyer fees that the state picks up. The cost to sentence an inmate to death is about 1.2 million dollars. To just keep him alive for two more years would save the state and taxpayers about $700,000. Now is it worth that much to put a man to death over a crime passion?