Friday, May 23, 2008

Affirmative Action

Should employers show preference to minorities when hiring?


fernando said...

When a person is going to be hired for a job, the person should only be hired if they are right for the job. You want to hire the person that is more qualified and the person that is going to produce more, the race or minority should not matter.

Cristal S. said...

I don't think that employers should should show preference when hiring. This is considered discrimination and it's what the US has been trying to get rid of for hundreds of years. People should be hired on the basis of job experience and efficiency; not on race.

Ana Maravillo said...

I do not think that employers should show preference to minorities when hiring.
I believe that instead of focusing on race, color religion sex, or national origin, the employer should consider the applicants’ abilities and qualifications. In addition, I believe that "employers and labor organizations [should] not discriminate in favor of or against a person [because of race, color, etc]," the intelligence of the person should most important.

sonya26 said...

No employers should not show preference when hiring minorities. Everyone is created equally and skin color should not matter. I would hate to know I did get a job because they had to meet some minority quota. The individual who is most capable of carrying out a job should be hired. It is really unfair to discriminate and it takes away from one sacred triangle to build on another rather than even both out. I think Kaiser has learned from this as I know alot of people work there and progressively move up in position.
-Sonya N

Sarah said...

I don't think race should ever be a factor when employer's are looking to hire people. Someone should solely be based on their qualifications for that specific job.

Sarah M.

JohnMurray45 said...

In an effort to reduce racism affirmative action has done nothing more than further it. It itself is an extremely racist program. Discrimination is discrimination, and I can not fathom how that has escaped the people who instituted/institute this program.

Unknown said...

Not only do employers need to stop hiring based on race, but college admissions and scholarships should become entirely based on merit. Rewarding someone because of their race is the same as degrading someone because of it too.
Affirmative action makes it seem unfair to the majority. Yet the majority is quickly switching sides, and there is becoming a less and less definite line between races. America is turning from a country made up of other peoples to a country of one people. Affirmative action creates a separation of that one people.

Stevie S. said...

I believe that the case we studied was yet another example of the supreme court overstepping its boundaries. The Civil Rights Act was not at all intended to increase one race's opportunities over anothers'. The supreme court's decision was unfounded and incorrect. Affirmative action is nothing but another word for discrimination, or even racism. Race should not be a factor at all in jobs or any sort of opportunity at all. Discrimination on the basis of race is undeniably wrong.

Robert Gaspard said...

No an employer should not hire or promote based on race or gender. It is not fair to those whom have either worked hard within the company or those whom are better qualified, to lose the job to a person of a different race or gender based on the same. A latin american should not lose a job to a african american just because of a quota. An african american shouldn't lose the job to a latin american because of a quota. By doing this we are taking a step back, we are just focusing are discrimination on a different underlining reason. We have achieved so much from then to now, I don't think we should regress to those same times and now justify it because it soots our current needs. We need to deal with the problem once and for all.

Arafath Islam said...

Arafath I.

I dont think that race should have to do anything about anyone getting a job. The person with most qualification among all the applicants should get the job. It is racial descrimination not to give a person who deserves to get the position just because of his race.

Unknown said...

No i do not think that employers should show preference to minorities when hiring because that's reverse discrimination. i think a person should only be hired because of their qualities and ability to do the job well. Employers should not give a job to someone who doesn't deserve a job because they are a minority

Jessica H. said...

There is absolutely no reason to show any minority, no matter what race they are and how much they have been discriminated against before, any privileges because of their color. If we start to give the minority certain privileges now, then we are discriminating against others just like this nation has done in the past. Each individual person should be considered because of their qualities and certifications, not because of their race or ethnicity.

shenley s. said...

I changed my opinion from the one I expressed in class. I no longer think an employer should take race or gender in account when hiring for a position or when considering a promotion. One: it is discrimination, as mentioned in many of the other posts. Also,it perpetuates the idea someone is not equal and needs a helping hand. As a woman, I certainly would feel uncomfortable knowing that I was hired just to fill a quota, like I never deserved the job (or promotion) in the first place and imagine an afro- american would feel the same. It is time to put the past in it's proper place and continue to move forward with a universal feeling of equality among all people. It's the same philosophy used when raising children- if you have high expectations for them, they usually meet them. If you have low expectations, they meet those as well.

Brian said...

I believe that any time a company or corporation considers a person's race while considering someone for hiring it is not fair. While affirmative action was put in place and held up by the supreme court in the sixties to protect African American job applicants it goes directly against the words of Matin Luther Kind Jr, one of the most prominent civil rights protest leaders. He said "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character". I believe that seniority, education, job experience, and attitude are great grounds in which to hire.

Jazmin Lara said...

Employees should not show preference when hiring a person, it is against the law and it’s morally wrong. I think everyone deserves to have an equal opportunity to show if they qualify for the job, the race should not matter at all. Besides showing preference would be unfair for other people that have worked really hard to be in the place they are and see someone that has acquire and promotion without even trying.

Faith Odemwingie said...

I don't think employers should show preference to minorities when hiring. I believe it's the right think to do. Firstly, medical field will not be in demand, and it will also be putting a price on life. In addiction, i believe that this will increase self government, and most importantly, it will keep taxes just the way they are right now.

Cristy said...

All of the comments do not think affirmative action is a good thing and I agree. Being part of a minority group, some people think that I would be for Affirmative action, but I am completely against it. I do not want people to think I got where I was because of my race. I don't think that in France there is a place to mark whether you are white, black, hispanic, etc. so why should it matter in the Land of the Free? I understand that affirmative action was put in place to lessen discrimination and racism, but I agree with others that all this has done is increase discrimination.

Kevin Vandersall said...

I understand the purpose of affirmative action, but I don't believe that it should be legal. Discrimination is wrong even if it's based on lofty ideals. Race should never be a factor whether it's for better or for worse.
-Kevin Vandersall

GTT said...

Absolutely not, in my opinion. Any sort of preference to one group isn't beneficial to the job itself nor to the person they hire because of it. I wouldn't want any job that I worked at to turn down an experienced worker and hire an inexperienced (or less experienced) person because they felt obligated, or felt a quota needed to be reached. And how embarrassing would it be if they found out that was one of the key reasons they were hired in the first place

Molly L

jhering said...

Employers should not show any discrimition against minorities or majorities. Their choices should solely be based on qualities of the applicant.
Discrimination has always been apart of our dark side of human beings. That factor will always be lurking in the back, but it should never be the factor of recieving a job.